Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~Hectic Life?????


Lama rsanya tak menulis neh..sakan tul raya... eh tak la...actually, busy dgn keje2 kat office PLUS assignments yang melambak-lambak.
Class pun dah nak habis since final date pun dah tau next month. hishhh...time-time neh lagi la tertambah2-tambah...dan tambah busy...

TAPI dalam busy-busy pun life kena cheers... cam omputeh kata LIFE is GREAT..
hahha...sempat la lagi semalam p layan SORORITY ROW dgn Hafiz n Yana kat GSC Alamanda.
Hurmmm this was unplanned or senang cite main terjah je.heheheh...

SORORITY ROW neh interesting jgk la plot dia...PLUS all the girls mmg HOT (Nak terbuntang mata si Hafiz neh tgk..ishhh... heheh).. CUBA TGK...DAMN hot kan??...

*They are SORORITY Sisters*

Synopsis cite neh ialah ad
a LIMA gadis2 HOT yang secara tak sengaja (kekonon nak Prank) dah terbunuh salah seorang gang dlm group mereka. Lima org HOT chicks neh pun agree la to keep the matter to themselves je without revealed to anyone...Tapi nak dijadikan plot cerita neh lagi thrilled... on graduation day mereka tetiba MUNCUL mysterious killer... Jeng..jeng..jeng...nak tau lagi lanjut TENGOK la seniri.. ahahahh...

Ok2...dah cam komentater FILEM lak dah..hehhe serious rindu lak time keje kat press dlu..

Kalo kena turn komen column filem baru perghhh SUKA bangat... muka berseri2... (tak stressed lgsg)...TAPI semua itu tinggal kenangan... SOB.SOB.SOB...

Ok la dah melalut2 neh... Bubbye....


Alinlai said...

wah layan movie tu :) nantilah bila2 nak bawa gak kanak2 pi tgk movie...

Nine said...

hahha :)

nnti depa blk cni Chu bwk p layan cartoon occay!!... heeee.....