Tuesday, November 24, 2009



dah lama jgk neh tak beblog..busy?!...TIDAK jgk...mungkin idea kering kot nak menulis.
Tapi arineh dah ada idea nak merapu2 kat belog Hee....

Owhhhh My Gucci!!!~

Semalam after work my sister n I layan muvi kat Alamanda...show pukul7.05ptg. (pstt..SILA jgn mempertikaikan waktu solat kami!!!)
Dah lama actually nak tgk cite "PISAU CUKUR" neh...

Emphhh...jalan cerita SIMPLe but sweet. Seriously, Fazura (Intan Mastura) sgt cantekkkkk dan Maya Karin pulak as Bella pun cantek jgk!! Back to the topic...I love the story so muchhhh....
hahha cam gediks pastuh tak pyh nak pikir byk.. just follow the flow. Yg paling best of course la part si GigI Besi tuh...kejap2 nak ingat nama dia..pelakon baru neh (hehhehe ENCEM!!)

Ok-ok...FAQIR. BERBAKAT.BERSAHAJA.KACAK. tu yg boley aku describe pasal si GiGI besi neh. hahha...OOooo My COACH!! ahaks....

Si Gigi Besi bersama-sama Gadis2 Pisau Cukur

Ok la...kepada yg belom tgk lg PISAU CUKUR, I suggested p la tgk..tak rugi..walopon Kapal dia tuh hanya CGI semata-mata. hahahahahh...



Alinlai said...

wah promo :) tunggu kat youtube le ;)

p/s: maghrib kat mana tu ke ke ke...opssssssssss...faham faham

Nine said...


dah la ari sabtu arituh blk kul11...kena sound lg ngan abah.
hahha dia merajuk tau kak lyn.. =p