Friday, June 5, 2009

The Day @ TM


it's 1st June 2009 which first day as TMR&D staff.
a lot of think in my mind (it's spin my head turn round and round) until i can't figure it out...wah wah wah....apa ye????
owh 1st the atmostphere....huh...i'd received a lot of pros and cons from my fwens..
ingat lagi the day before iaitu on Sunday Yaya ada mentioned about the environment here. my reaction is..TUTUP MATA and i wanna feel the real experienced and feeling here without tninking negative perseption. heheh MOTIVASI diri sendiri tuh.

This is my Staff Pix...(ala gambar yg kat staff card tuh la.....) yg penting I dah bertudung hurmmm ALHAMDULLILAH.

Ok let's talk about today....
I reported to HR at 8.30am just now...wah impressed juga la bila tgk office yg cantik dan gah gitu!! (hehhehe...SENGAL kay!!). then terus dibawa ke my section iaitu SRM (stategic research and management).

What is interesting here is....aku tergolong dlm list yg agak muda dan remaja di sini. (ahahahaha...Opps takde la oldies sgt kat cni). apa lg ye???? agak membuhsankan kerana still takde keje untuk dilaksanakan...

Owh sebelom tuh...jap lg aku nak bercite pasal our trip jelajah Mesia before keje di TM.
hehehheh...sgt menarik picas...yg penting pergi bersama-sama kawan2 ku yg cacat dan sengal.
Anyway thanks to Cik Kiah, En Karim dan En Wahab (nama oldskool tak hengat!!) atas kelapangan dan kesungguhan nak bercuti bersama2....

yg best tuh coming vacation...jeng..jeng ...jeng....hehehehehehhe RAHSIA. tunggu dan lihat.

Ok la nak bercite pasal Malacca dan Cameron plak.

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